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Auditing data

Automatically identify data inconsistencies and transformations suggested by the solution.


Let Tale of Data discover the quality of your data 

Tale of Data provides users with advanced auditing functions. These allow you to analyze all your data sources in order to : 

  • automatically identify missing or ill-formed data,

  • identify inconsistent or aberrant data,

  • map data: anomalies, their semantics (url, country, siret, etc.), personal data (name, telephone number, bank details, e-mail, etc.),

  • measure data quality using a quality index.

The Tale of Data solution provides an initial assessment of the quality of your data thanks to its audits.

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Improve the quality of your data by 50% in just a few weeks by applying the corrections suggested by Tale of Data.

Support the evolution of your data

Tale of Data offers a complete solution to help you monitor the quality of your data over time.

Thanks to regular quality audits, you can quickly identify any adverse changes in data quality.

With Tale of Data as your "quality firewall", the quality of your data is protected, and you are alerted to any drop in quality.

By taking a proactive approach, you can implement a data quality policy that is sustainable and effective over the long term.

Create quality audit reports at the click of a button

Automated Quality Audit Report detects anomalies :

  • at cell, field or record level

  • identifies missing or ill-formed data , such as insufficient decimal places, outliers, duplicates or "near-duplicates

Detect the presence of sensitive data

Mass Data Discovery detects the presence of all sensitive data in your information system, regardless of volume.

This data may concern information held on employees, but also on suppliers or customers.


A report listing all tables containing this sensitive information is generated by the solution. This feature enables the detection of Shadow IT / Rogue IT.

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Exploit the full potential of your data by scheduling a demonstration

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