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Find out about all our events here, and register to take part!to take part!

You regularly ask yourself:

  • How to quickly process duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicates?

  • How to easily reconcile data from different sources? From different databases or systems?

  • How to easily manage inconsistencies, errors in the data?


If these questions correspond to prfamiliar to you, then our Webinars at the heart of data are for you.

Discover our themed breakfasts!

Discover the challenges and opportunities of data in our user-friendly sessions. Tackle topics such as the exploitation and valorization of data in legacy banking systems like Sab, the challenges of e-commerce, and many others. Whether you're an expert or simply curious, enrich your knowledge and network over a good cup of coffee. 

Find here our main replay

Did you miss an event?

That's what our replay is for!

Tale of Data offers you the replay of its Webinars to understand the different applications on Data Preparation.

Webinar | March 29, 2023 - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 

"Augmented data: the generative AI revolution in data quality"

Join us for our "café démo" session, where we'll show you live how our Data Quality solution now integrates generative AI to meet data quality challenges.

With an API key, what was once impossible becomes a reality. Our aim is not to replace human skills with 'the machine', but to enable what man could not achieve before due to complexity, time and the impossibility of automation.

Join us to discover how we have integrated an innovative booster into our engine, significantly improving :

- Express data quality audit
- Data correction
- Transformation for optimal quality

In the space of thirty minutes, you'll understand the concept of augmented data quality through concrete examples, performed live with you.

Webinar | March 13, 2023 - 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 

"When generative AI revolutionizes data quality"

We invite you to join us for a "café démo", where we'll illustrate how our Data Quality solution now integrates generative AI to solve real-world data quality challenges.

Thanks to an API key, everything that wasn't possible before is now possible. It's not a question of replacing man with machine, but of enabling what man couldn't do, because it was too tedious, too time-consuming and impossible to automate.

Find out how we integrated a booster into our engine:

  • express data quality audit

  • data correction

  • processing for quality

Thirty minutes to understand the new concept of augmented data quality through examples of prompts produced live with you.

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Webinar | December 6, 2023 - 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. 

"High-performance SEO and a successful customer experience: the underestimated impact of data quality in e-commerce"

A recent study shows that 49% of consumers abandon an e-commerce transaction when product information is unsatisfactory. 

The world of e-commerce is changing fast. Today's buyer browses, searches, compares, and his or her decision may be based on a simple detail. 


  • So how can you be sure that this detail is in your favor?

  •  How can you guarantee relevant, high-quality product information on every visit?

  • How can you optimize your site's SEO to attract more qualified visitors? 

  • How can you build lasting trust and customer loyalty?

During our webinar, we'll share our customers' feedback and some practical advice.

Webinar | November 29, 2023 - 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

"How to turn non-technical users into data quality experts with TotalEnergies?"

Are you wondering how to open up the world of coding to all profiles, so that they know how to code?

Another way of putting the question is: how can professionals from different professions easily obtain high-quality data and manage it autonomously?

We offer you 30' to discover what solutions exist today for :

- bring autonomy and simplicity to business users,

- that they can themselves define controls requiring a high level of knowledge of their data,

- detect and solve data quality problems in heterogeneous data sources.


We'd like to take this opportunity to share a testimonial from one of our customers, Benoit Soleihavoup (Data Ingeneer at TotalEnergies). He will explain why low-code-no-code is a key factor in digital transformation.

Webinar | July 5, 2023 - 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

"RGPD compliance: detecting Shadow IT"

Mapping the personal data stored on their network, whether it concerns employees, customers or suppliers, is essential to remain compliant with the RGPD. Indeed, it's necessary to monitor that all personal data held is associated with justifiable processing in the eyes of the CNIL.

To achieve this goal, we need to answer these 4 questions:

  • Within the company, who keeps personal data?

  • What types of personal data are involved?

  • Where are these personal data stored: databases, but also Shadow IT?

  • Why is this data kept?

  • How can you answer these questions and identify the personal data stored on your network, particularly data stored in shadow IT?

  • How can you reduce the risk of non-compliance, improve personal data management and protect your company's reputation?


Webinar | June 21, 2023 - 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

"Legacy software, valuable data: how to maximize their potential?"

Are you still using an aging but high-performance software package for your business, and wondering how best to exploit the data it contains?


Here are some important questions to consider:

  • How do you extract data from this ageing software for use in a more modern environment?

  • What are the best practices for processing and cleaning this data to make it usable?

  • How can you integrate this data into your current business processes and make the most of it?

  • What solutions are available to improve the efficiency and security of your use of this legacy software, while maximizing the potential of your data?

Webinar | May 31, 2023 - 2:00 to 2:30 p.m.

"Data quality on a portal or merchant site: how about some spring cleaning?"

You regularly ask yourself:

  • How to easily manage inconsistencies, errors in the data?

  • How do you quickly deal with duplicates, triplicates and different spellings?

  • How do you integrate your own conversion or reprocessing rules?

  • How to easily reconcile data from different sources? From different databases or systems?

If these questions sound like issues you're familiar with, then this Webinar at the heart of data is for you!

Webinar | May 24, 2023 - 11:15 to 11:45 a.m.

"Shadow IT and RGPD: how to detect and secure your personal data?"

Have you ever wondered whether your company's data is safe? Are you aware of Shadow IT, the practice of using tools and services not approved by your company?

We'll discuss best practices for avoiding Shadow IT and ensuring your company's compliance with data protection regulations. Register now to ensure you don't miss out on this opportunity to strengthen your company's security!

Webinar | April 19, 2023 - 11:30am to 12:00pm

"Painless CRM change: tips and tricks for a successful project? "

With a change of CRM, it is also necessary to think of "details" which are important and will be the success of your project:

  • What solutions exist on the market to support the change of CRM and save time (and money!) in the project?

  • How to easily integrate a data cleansing step into a CRM change project?

  • And if the project is over, how do you easily clean up your clients/prospects?

[Replay] : Webinar | March 15, 2023

"DATA QUALITY: Key steps in data preparation (clean, enrich, automate)"

Wondering if you are concerned about data preparation?

Thirty minutes to explore this subject, which is not just a concept but a very concrete reality!

If you regularly ask yourself, among other things:

  • How to easily manage inconsistencies, errors in the data, duplicates, triplicates...?

  • How to share clean data and keep it clean?


Then this Webinar is for you!

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[Replay] : Webinar | January 25, 2023

"Is Excel the best data preparation tool in the world? "

You use Excel and :

  • Do you spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking the results of your formulas?

  • Do you sometimes stop breathing when you click on "save" because you have too many rows or columns?

  • You often use "copy/paste in value" after a formula and you lose the history of your formulas ? (is there a solution ?)

  • You would like to share your work with your colleagues, but even you have trouble finding your way around?


If these questions sound like issues that are familiar to you, then this webinar is for you!

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[Replay] : Webinar | October 19, 2022

"I used to have a hard time cleaning my data... but that was before"

Discover, during this webinar :

  • How to quickly process duplicates, triplicates, quadruplicates?

  • How to easily reconcile data from different sources, databases or systems?

  • How to easily manage inconsistencies, errors in the data?

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[Replay] : Webinar | December 7, 2022

"Nice graphics are good...with good data is better!"

Data Visualization, everyone is talking about it... But the aesthetics of the dashboards should not prevail over the relevance!

  • How to quickly spot quality issues in a report?

  • How to correct them before publication and keep traceability without getting lost in a multitude of file versions?

  • How can we guarantee the reliability of the data over time, when they are regularly renewed?

  • Can some steps be automated?

A 30' appointment to answer these questions.

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