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Combating document fraud

Our document fraud detection solution uses advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence to detect anomalies and forgeries, guaranteeing the security and integrity of administrative processes and transactions. The use of this technology is a cornerstone in the fight against document fraud.


Combating document fraud: a priority for government departments

documentary fraud

Our client, a Ministry, wanted to improve its controls of administrative document assignment.

The size of the database (nearly one hundred million lines) and the diversity of the successive applications used to input information - generally manually - over the last few decades was seriously limiting the ability to detect problems.

The innovative solution to combat document fraud


Reconciliation of beneficiaries' postal addresses with the BAN - Base Adresse Nationale (National Address Base) has enabled us to obtain reliable, standardized addresses.

Multi-criteria (surname + first name + address) and multi-strategy (phonetic, Levenshtein distance, N-gram*, ...) deduplications to identify people who have obtained several administrative documents that are supposed to be unique.

Blurred joins with other Ministry databases on surname and first name (phonetic + N-gram) as well as date of birth (with a tolerance of a few days) in order to identify people with several non-cumulative administrative documents.


Gains from using ourdocument fraudfunctionalities

The Ministry was able to identify individuals (sometimes up to several hundred in a single département) who possessed several versions of the same administrative document, enabling them to circumvent certain sanctions. The phenomenon had previously gone unnoticed thanks to a few approximations in the spelling of the name, the address (e.g.: street number mentioning the neighboring building) or the date of birth (1 to 2 days apart). To make matters worse, it was impossible to obtain such documents without internal complicity within the Ministry.

Using standardized postal addresses, we were able toidentify suspicious addresses used to request a number of administrative documents that far exceeded the number of inhabitants at the address in question (by a factor of 10 or even 100).

The cross-referencing of several databases has uncovered numerous cases of prohibited combinations of administrative documents.

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