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Marketing campaigns: optimizing CRM data reliability and enrichment

Optimize your marketing campaigns by making CRM data more reliable and enriching it. Improve the quality of your customer data, maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns and obtain precise, targeted results.


The need


Our client wanted to make its marketing messages more relevant to its customers. To do this it needed to improve the segmentation of its client database, resolving the following two problems:

1. Reliability of CRM data: multiple views of the same customer (duplicates), inconsistency of e-mails, postal addresses and telephone numbers.

2. Lack of contextual information in their customer base

Proposed solution


Verification + geolocation* of postal addresses, with each address in France enriched with the IRIS code.

Multi-criteria (surname, first name, address) and multi-strategy (phonetic, Levenshtein distance*, N-gram*, ...).

Correct telephone numbers, check country code if present, otherwise reconstitute country code from address.

E-mails: verification of domain existence (, correction of discrepancies between a contact's name and the spelling of his/her name in the e-mail.

Enrichment by cross-referencing with the First Name File: determination of the most likely age bracket for each customer based on their first name.



A single view of each customer thanks to deduplication*(Single Customer View).

More relevant segmentation thanks to data enriched with IRIS* code deduced from geolocation*.. Indeed, many Open Data datasets use the IRIS* code code as a key, providing valuable information on living standards, facilities and services, housing, energy consumption, medical functions, etc.

Correcting e-mails + telephone numbers + postal addresses has significantly reduced the number of failed messages.

Thanks to the age range data collected, segmentation could be further refined.

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